
Showing posts from July, 2020
Non Guarantor Loans A relatively new type of unsecured loan is the guarantor loan, as with all unsecured loans they do not require the security of a property however they will require a guarantor to support the application and guarantee the monthly repayments should the borrower fail to do so. The guarantor must be a homeowner, receiving regular income (this can come in the form of benefits or a state/ private pension) and they must have good credit. The guarantor can be anyone who is not financially linked to the applicant (e.g. wife or partner residing in the same property), popular choices as guarantors are friends, family members or work colleagues. Despite lenders being flexible regarding who can act as a guarantor, some are still unable to find a suitable homeowner guarantor meaning they will turn to Non Guarantor Loans. There are a number of options available to those looking for unsecured non guarantor loans, here's an overview of each option: Non Homeowner Guarantor L